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HomeProjectsEuropean Digital Bootcamps (EDIBO)

European Digital Bootcamps (EDIBO)

Project “European Digital Bootcamps (EDIBO)”, benefits from a € 1,4 million grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment


The project is implemented by:
1. THREE THIRDS SOCIETY (NPO) – Greece, Lead partner
2. Institute for Youth Initiatives and Innovations (NGO) – Bulgaria
3. Foundation for Society (NGO) – Latvia
4. Integration Centre (NGO) – Lithuania
5. National Craftsmen Confederation Lecce (CNA Lecce) – Italy
6. Institute for Information and Communication Technologies (ITACA) of the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV) – Spain
7. FORMA.LAB SRL (Private Organization) – Italy

Project duration: 39 months (01.10.2018- 31.12.2021)
Grant amount:  Euro 1,4  million
Project summary
The European DIGITAL BOOTCAMPS project (EDIBO) will address the dramatic problem of youth unemployment by strengthening the digital skills of young people under the age of 30 who are not studying or working, with a special focus on young people aged 25-29 from disadvantaged groups (low-income, women, migrants, youngsters from rural areas). The data show, in fact, a strong demand for IT qualified staff that the market does not satisfy.
Inspired by the “Rapid Technology Skills Training” developed by the World Bank, this model uses a completely innovative approach, giving a central role to the companies within the project and carefully analyzing market needs to facilitate job placement of the youngsters involved.
Every partner of the project will organize “European digital training labs”, ten weeks of intensive training classes with strong focus on IT hard skills, including soft skills training (especially English language courses).
After the training phase, participants will have the opportunity of an apprenticeship offered by the “sponsors companies” of the program. By the end of the 3 years, the project will have involved 1.050 youngsters of the age group 25-29 from vulnerable groups, and at least 500 of whom are expected to obtain a job position and 100 to become self employed thanks to the acquired knowledge and skills.

Project website: www.digitalbootcamps.eu

Short EDIBO project video:

2022 © Institute for Youth Initiatives and Innovations