Lets work together for the young people of Bulgaria!

  + 359 897 937 357 

9000 Varna, 4 Preslav St.

The Institute for Youth Initiatives and Innovations (IYII) is a non-profit organization, established as a juridical person in 2014

The Institute carries out youth initiatives aimed at implementing good practices in all spheres of public life and activities in the field of youth employment, non-formal education, digitalization and innovation, sports and culture, environmental and historical protection.

Our team works to solve the problems of children and young people, protection of their human rights and social interests. Our efforts are aimed at supporting the personal expression of young people, their future social and professional development!

Our youth projects, funded under national and EU programs, are focused on:

  • Expanding cooperation with Bulgarian and foreign youth organizations to exchange good practices in the field of education, culture, sports, social and career development of young people, etc.
  • Creating, financing and implementing specific educational, environmental and research programs and initiatives aimed at solving the problems of youth
  • Integration of vulnerable youth groups in society, including unemployed and students, ethnic minorities, people with disabilities and others
  • Encouraging the development and implementation of innovative, advanced and high technology in the field of youth, as well as activities related to conservation and the environment

⏩The Institute has a team with significant practical knowledge of the problems of school and university education, social integration, specific learning disabilities of children, issues related to young people employment skills.

⏩The Institute experts have a long-term experience in managing and reporting  projects, financed by the  programs such as Erasmus+, EEA and Norway Grants, Horizon 2020, 7th FP, INTERREG IVC, INTERREG Danube, INTEREGG Balkan-Med, Leonardo da Vinci, Southeast Europe, EASME, Europe for Citizens, CBC Black Sea Programme, National OP’s, etc. in partnership with organizations/institutions from EU countries. Also, the Institute have been in collaboration with partners from Ukraine, Türkiye, Moldova, Georgia.

2022 © Institute for Youth Initiatives and Innovations