Lets work together for the young people of Bulgaria!

  + 359 897 937 357 

9000 Varna, 4 Preslav St.

HomeAbout IYII

About IYII




General Assembly

The General Assembly is the supreme body of the Institute and consists of all members. The General Assembly meets once a year and has the following functions:

  • Amend the Articles of Association;
  • Elect and dismiss members of the Management Board;
  • Elect and dismiss the Chairman of the Board;
  • Decide on the reorganization and termination of the Association;
  • Decided the formation of funds for financing activities of the Association, their sources and usage in accordance with the Non;
  • Adopt guidelines and programs of the Association;
  • Resolve other issues within its competence by the law and Statute

Managing Board

The Management Board consists of three members. It defines the terms and organize the activities of the Association. Is chosen for a period of three years.

The Chairperson of the Board represents the Association and carries out its operative management.

2022 © Institute for Youth Initiatives and Innovations