“Adventure Run” for young generation in Varna
The Institute for Youth Initiatives and Innovations (IYII) organized and conducted the project pilot event, named “Adventure Run” for young generation in Varna on 15.08.2024. The sport event was implemented in the frame of #SIMPLE project, funded under ERASMUS-SPORT-2023. The purpose of the local sport event, dedicated to the celebration of the “Day in Varna” was to reinforce the habit of exercising sport among families and their children, and extend the initiative to other sport associations in the area that might replicate the project results at the local level.
The idea of the pilot event was based on the fact that the Youth Institute wanted to organize not only a sports event, but one that would be interesting and attractive for young people. Everyone knows that most young people do not like jogging, especially during hot summer days. Children are on summer vacation, not playing sports and not moving enough. That’s why the Youth Institute team decided to proposed to the young residents and guests in Varna a late-night adventure running in the Sea Garden of Varna, with an experienced guide, luminous headbands and bracelets, and many handouts.
The late-night sport event was scheduled to start at 21:15h at special meeting point at the popular Sea Garden in Varna. With more than 40 children up to 15 age, and their parents and guardians, we created a significant group of running athletes, on our designated race track at the Sea Garden. All of them participated in the outdoor event for health and inclusion.
Our partner organizations in the pilot sport event, the Municipality of Varna and iRUN.bg, had ensured the safety on the running track, experienced runners-guides and a raffle with prizes for the participants after the end of the “Adventure Run”.