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HomeProjectsSolution4SLD: Specific learning disabilities solutions – Interactive Eplatform for schools”, funded under Erasmus+ Programme

Solution4SLD: Specific learning disabilities solutions – Interactive Eplatform for schools”, funded under Erasmus+ Programme

Project “Solution4SLD: Specific learning disabilities solutions – Interactive Eplatform for schools”, funded under Erasmus+ Programme / Contract n° 2021-1-LT01-KA220-SCH-000029399


Duration:  24 months (28/02/2022 – 27/02/2024)

Budget: 383 185,00 EUR

Funded:  Erasmus+ Programme; KA220-SCH – Cooperation partnerships in school education


Background: The main problem solved by the project is the lack of attention in education systems for children with developmental disabilities, especially reading and letter comprehension. There is a lack of reliable methodologies and knowledge of how educators can educate a child with this disorder.

Solution4SLD is an innovative strategic partnership project aiming to adapt and standardized education system for children with specific learning disabilities by developing interactive and inclusive e-learning platform and handbook for schools.

Main tasks of the project:

  • Improve learning and teaching quality in schools for children with specific learning and writing disabilities
  • Ensure, support innovative, open teaching and e-learning
  • Reinforce cooperation with partners from other countries
  • Ensure teacher who works with children with specific learning disabilities effectiveness at work
  • Change stereotypes, develop tolerance and understanding of students with specific learning disabilities

The project consortium consists of a wide range of partners from Lithuania, Bulgaria and Malta with different cultures and experiences, from arange of service backgrounds and scales that will represent the various stakeholders involved, and that will bring expertise in different fields directly connected with the objectives of the project. Also a number of 21 Associated Partners (schools, primarily made up of primary and secondary schools, and other interested stakeholders in each partner country) are involved.

Project target group:

  • 500 primary and secondary school students from 1-6 classes with specific learning and reading disabilities
  • 105 teachers who teach these children, and other pedagogical staff

Planned qualitative results:

  • IO1. Digital handbook for teachers who teach children with specific reading and writing disabilities
  • IO2. Interactive E-learning platform with 72 integrated digital educational content worksheets & templates for teachers and 18 interactive tasks for children with specific learning disabilities

Planned quantitative results:

  • Started and maintained international partnership
  • Experience gained in international cooperation at the European level
  • Improved children capacities with specific reading and writing disabilities
  • Improved teacher skills who work with children who have specific learning disabilities



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