Three amazing ladies share their experience with #Dyslexia!
Check out the stories of:
- Kristina Kostova is a graphic designer and herself suffered from dyslexia during her school years. She is the creator of the first Bulgarian font for people with dyslexia, Adys Font. She strives to help dyslexics by promoting the Adys font and gathering like-minded people.
- Martina Ivanova faced dyslexia at an early school age, and now she is finishing her studies at the Medical University – Varna and practicing in a private kindergarten as a speech therapist and helping children with specific learning difficulties.
- Ivelina Boyadzhieva, teacher and founder of the “Class” School – Varna in 2002. Over the years, the school has become a place for acquiring new knowledge and skills for many children, including children with specific learning difficulties.
These video materials will soon be published as good stories from Bulgaria in the #Solution4SLD online platform for e-learning of teachers working with children with specific learning difficulties, mainly in reading and understanding letters.
#Solution4SLD is an Еrasmus+ innovative project, aiming to adapt and standardize an education system for children with specific learning disabilities by developing an interactive and inclusive e-learning platform and a handbook for schools.